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How to practice self-care as you age

Self care doesn’t look the same for everyone — it may be playing your favorite music, cooking a delicious meal or watching a sports game. It also might be lighting a candle or putting on a face mask and curling up with a good book. If you’re skeptical about self-care, it’s time to think twice. As you age, self-care can reduce stress and improve  your health and wellbeing.

Self-care promotes healthy aging, which is a cornerstone of Bold. Let’s explore a few simple and easy ways to practice self-care:

1. Practice meditation

There are many different types of meditation. One is mindfulness, which is the practice of being consciously aware of the present moment. Mindfulness is proven to lower symptoms of depression, lower stress, and improve your wellbeing. Center your mind with a Bold meditation class taught by Alysha.

2. Enjoy nature

Try to get outside everyday. Taking a breath of fresh air in the great outdoors is a study-backed psychological intervention method. Even interacting with an indoor plant can help your mental health. If you have free time, take a short walk outside– it’ll help you feel better in both the short and long term.

3. Play with a pet

Spending time with animals will brighten your day and warm your heart! Pets can also benefit your mental health and heart health, as well as help with pain management. Learn 5 health benefits of spending time with pets on the Bold blog.

4. Read a book

Open up a good book or article, and let your imagination run wild– it’s good for you! Reading is a cognitively stimulating activity that can delay the onset of dementia and improve your mental health. Explore the Bold blog for articles you’ll love.

5. Try a chair yoga class

If you’re looking for a Bold activity that improves both your physical and emotional wellness, try out a Bold yoga class. Yoga helps relieve stress, boost emotional health, and manage symptoms of anxiety and depression. It’s a low impact form of exercise that’s both relaxing and engaging. Check out our yoga classes at