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6 foods to eat or avoid to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Dr. Annie Fenn is a physician, chef, and the author of a brand-new book, The Brain Health Kitchen: Preventing Alzheimer’s Through Food. She specializes in science-backed, brain-friendly cooking techniques. Her online resource, Brain Health Kitchen, includes recipes, articles, and events that focus on improving cognition through food. Bold was lucky enough to host Dr. Fenn at the Bold Summit in February 2023. Dr. Fenn provided the Bold community with ways adjusting your food patterns can help to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Here are 6 foods to eat or avoid to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease according to Dr. Fenn:

Foods to eat

  1. Vegetables

    Although all vegetables are good for you, Dr. Fenn recommends that cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and brussel sprouts are the best type to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Also, eating colorful vegetables provides your body with a variety of nutrients, pick as many different colors of vegetables as you can. Also, eating mushrooms at least two times a week can lower your risk of developing dementia.

  2. Nuts and seeds

    Dr. Fenn recommends eating nuts and seeds 4 times a week. Along with helping prevent Alzhiemer’s, Dr. Fenn says, “nuts and seeds have been independently shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, such as heart attack and stroke.” Helping your heart can also help your brain, especially when it comes to vascular dementia which is caused by reduced blood flow to the brain.

  3. Extra virgin olive oil

    Dr. Fenn recommends using Extra Virgin Olive Oil as your primary cooking oil. She says it is “the most healthy oil because it provides the right types of fats.

Foods to avoid

  1. Fast and fried food

    Dr. Fenn says, “frying destroys nutrients and oils used in fast food joints are some of the most unhealthy oils that create inflammation in the brain.”

  2. Ultra-processed foods

    Instead of buying lots of processed foods, try to cook your own or buy fresher options. Dr. Fenn says that processed foods are “devoid of nutrients and have unhealthy fats, and are high in sugar which is detrimental to long-term brain health.”

  3. Sweetened and artificially sweetened drinks

    Sweetening drinks can cause you to consume lots of sugar, which can not only increase your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, but heighten your chances of having a stroke.

To hear all of Dr. Annie Fenn’s talk, visit the Bold Explore page.