Bold balance skill for Amazon Alexa
Hey Alexa, can I assess my balance in 60 seconds or less?
Yes, you can with the new Bold Balance Skill for Amazon Alexa.
We just launched Bold’s first Alexa Voice Skill so you can check your Balance with a few easy steps. Maintaining good balance is a key aspect of fall prevention and healthy aging. The Bold Balance Skill uses 4 yes or no questions based on the CDC’s STEADI protocol to assess your balance. Once you finish the assessment, the skill will share recommendations to help you improve your balance. If you have an Amazon Alexa, follow these easy steps to access the assessment:
Go to the Amazon Skills Shop online or the Alexa app
Search “Bold Balance”
Enable the Bold Balance Skill for free
Say “Alexa, open Bold Balance” or “Alexa, check my balance”
Take the assessment and go to to take classes