Why it’s important to talk about physical activity with your doctor
Whether you’re a Bold enthusiast or are just starting a new routine, you’ve taken steps to bring physical activity into your life, and that’s something to be proud of! Being physically active has a big impact on your overall health, from managing chronic conditions to fall prevention to mental and brain health.
Physical activity is a key aspect of health, so it’s important to discuss this topic with your healthcare team. Before you start a new routine, you should always talk to your healthcare team to make sure you’re ready to safely move. If you’re cleared to move, your doctor, nurse, physical therapist, or other healthcare provider can help you consider how your routine plays into your overall health.
“As a physical therapist, I’m happy to hear when my patients are exercising. As providers, knowing about your routine can help us better understand your health and where you’re at today. I also like to talk with my patients about sleep and other lifestyle choices. This gives us a better idea of the bigger picture, so we can diagnose and treat you,” says Dr. Nish Shah, DPT, Clinical Programs at Bold.
If you're looking for help starting the conversation, you've come to the right place.
Start with the CDC’s Physical Activity Recommendations for Older Adults. The nation’s leading health organization has science-backed guidelines on physical activity for adults age 65 and up:
- 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity (or a mix of both) per week.
- 2 days of muscle-strengthening activity per week.
- Activities to improve balance.
Physical activity doesn’t just mean going to the gym, or doing a daily walk. It can also take the form of daily chores, house work, or childcare. All of these activities can build up to your 150 minutes of movement each week. Talk with your healthcare team about all the ways you’re staying active. If you’re not there yet, remember to start slow and build up gradually.
For your next visit, download this checklist from Bold to guide your conversation about physical activity with your healthcare team.
At Bold, we’re here to help you stay active as you age. Let’s keep moving together. See you in class!