Skip to contentBold Guide: Exercise for Pain Management 3 min read
Read onFrom display to prime time: What the new physical and mental health measures mean for MA plans
Bold Guide: Equipment for classes
Practice chair yoga with Bold
3 ways an exercise-as-engagement platform can help your quality strategy
Survey says: 5 insights from seniors to drive engagement with Medicare exercise programs
How to address neck and upper back pain: Top 3 diagnoses and ways to cope
Managing lower back pain: Top 3 diagnoses and how to keep moving
Understanding knee pain: Top 3 diagnoses and how to stay active with confidence
Introducing Bold’s pelvic health program: Improving bladder control, Star Ratings, and member experience for men and women
Sex & dating with incontinence: 10 things I wish I knew beforehand
7 considerations for evaluating exercise programs for Medicare Advantage
Three strategies quality leaders should focus on following 2025 Star Ratings release
Bold Guide: Exercise for Bone Health
Bold Guide: Exercise for a Healthy Heart
Bold Guide: Exercise and Mental Health
Bold Guide: Exercise for Diabetes Management
Beyond physical fitness: How movement as medicine delivers for Medicare members
Bold Guide: Understanding & managing incontinence
Bold Guide: Exercise for better balance
Bold Guide: Exercise for brain health
Bold Guide: Exercise for arthritis
Kristi’s Bold journey: Navigating pain and finding joy
The gap between healthspan and lifespan — and what we can do about it
4 ways to overcome fatigue
5 sports that benefit older adults
How your environment shapes the way you age
A beginner’s guide to ageism
Exercise and pain as you age
How nutrition impacts brain health
How yoga and meditation help reduce stress
6 foods to eat or avoid to prevent Alzheimer’s disease
How yoga helps you relax
3 chair exercises to improve neck pain
How exercise impacts sleep health
3 brain health benefits of practicing gratitude
Why emotional wellness is important for active aging
How to practice self-care as you age
How to pick the best time of day for exercise
How to set up an at-home workout space
3 key takeaways from balance workouts
5 seated exercises for better balance
How chair sit-ups help with balance
Why fall prevention is important for healthy aging
Bold balance skill for Amazon Alexa
How to get back into exercise after COVID-19
4 Medicare plans that reimburse fitness
Overnight oats and nutrition goals with Bold trainer Chris
5 health benefits of spending time with pets
4 ways exercise promotes brain health
Beat the heat: 4 ways to modify your summer workout routine
Survey findings on aging, exercise, and mental health
3 ways to improve your brain health
Embrace pro-aging — it’s better for your health
Grief and independence amongst older adults
Why sleep is important for older adults
New year, new health goals
Meet Dr. Sarah Silverman: Sleep health and wellness expert
Meet Sally Mueller: Co-Founder and CEO of Womaness
4 reasons to exercise with others over the holidays
Meet Dr. John Day: Author of The Longevity Plan
How to age in place
Meet Sharon Wood: First North American woman to climb Mount Everest
8 pieces of advice from 77 year old powerlifter Abbey Moon
How to practice self-care during the holidays
Get comfortable: What to do at home to reduce strain as you age
How to sign up for live classes
What’s the difference between Bold Basic and Bold Premium?
How to plan for aging, physical activity, and prevention
5 muscles to activate during chair workouts
Meet Kevin: “You don’t exercise for others, you exercise for yourself”
Your questions about healthy aging and balance, answered
What would you do with an extra 15 years?
4 things to know about pain management
Meet Susan: She joined Bold in January 2020 to feel stronger and more confident
10 reasons why older adults walk with a shuffling gait
Your questions about chair workouts, answered
How to overcome common barriers to being active
How to set a goal and create an action plan
Meet Paula: Retired teacher who loves yoga, and has improved her balance since joining Bold
How to set exercise goals
What older adults should add to their exercise program
Bold with Renew Active® by UnitedHealthcare®
How exercise impacts brain health
3 tips for keeping an exercise routine over summer
How exercise impacts mental health
Why spending time in nature is good for your health
Bold program for healthy joints
Bold program for mindful movement
3 ways to celebrate love
Your questions for head Bold trainer Alicia, answered
Bold program for cardio and strength
The best fitness hack if you’re over 65
5 reasons members love Bold
How to maintain your workout routine during the holidays
A little (workout session) goes a long way
15-minute balance workout
What’s a science-backed workout?
3 tips to stay motivated to exercise
How to stretch your shoulders